
Showing posts from May, 2018


We have had a great day with First Steps Cycle learning how to ride our bikes safely on the road. Most children passed their level 1 and the ones that didn't tried amazingly hard!! Super proud of their efforts, hard work and determination! Well done everyone!!


This weeks spellings, due to be tested: 8.6.18 - After half term due to Bikeability next week. Privilege Pronunciation Shoulder Signature Harass Immediate Immediately Committee Cemetery Controversy Thank you. 

Maths Homework

This week, I printed out the homework for the children as it was measuring angles using a protractor. Unfortunately, as I am now used to putting it on the blog, I forgot to hand it out this afternoon. I will ensure the children get the homework on Monday afternoon and will have until after half term to complete it. Homework will be due in: 8.6.18 Sorry for any inconvenience, have a lovely weekend. Miss Doorbar


5KD had a great @JigsawPSHE lesson today learning about Piece 1 of the Relationships Puzzle. We thought about our own personal characteristics and how others perceive us - needless to say, we all had a great self-esteem boost this afternoon! Here are some of them sharing their positive characteristics with each other.
Spellings for this week are: Muscle  Necessary Parliament  Existence Hindrance Leisure Secretary System Suggest  Variety To be tested: 18.5.18

Maths Homework

Here is the maths homework for this week. Due in 17.5.19

Maths Homework

Maths homework for this week. Due 10.05.18


Here are the spellings for next week: Test will be 11.05.18 Familiar Marvellous Mischievous  Recognise Sufficient Thorough Vegetable Vehicle Yacht Rhythm

News Reporters

Here are some of 5KD role playing news reporters to hel p with writing a newspaper report this week.