What a great half term it has been in 5KD! Well done everyone... you have worked very hard and made super progress. The topic this half term has been amazing and all the children have really enjoyed Winter Wonderland and The Chronicles of Narnia - the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Lucky for them, they have had a sneak peak at the classroom ready for Monday 19th February and it is safe to say, they are very excited for our new topic....... SPACE! The star of the week this week had to be awarded to THE WHOLE CLASS because of their tremendous effort with topic and the fashion show - very proud teacher! UPDATE: It was a very busy Friday today, so we haven't managed to complete the spelling test. Please practise the same spellings from last week (still on the blog). Have a safe half term and a well deserved rest! See you in a week, Miss Doorbar :)