
Showing posts from February, 2018

Snow Day!

We FINALLY have snow in Hull!!  It's been a while, but the children were able to play in the snow today during break time - luckily  I was on duty so was able to capture some of them playing! 

Share Write in English today

Check out the shared write that 5KD wrote today - an informal Email from a 12 year old boy (Liam)  to try and persuade another 12 year old character (Florida) to go all the way to China with him - on their own.  They worked really hard as a class to produce this, Miss Pinder was so impressed, she used it as a WAGOLL!  Well done guys! 

Concrete Maths

Here are some of 5KD using manipulatives to work out how to add fractions in maths. They have really been enjoying using concrete materials recently... 


As part of raising attendance throughout the school, all classes will be posting their attendance percentages each week on their blogs. Last week 5KD only had 93% - this was the least in the KS2 :( As a school, we aim to achieve at least 96% attendance - Lets work together to try and get to 96% next week :) Thank you, Miss Doorbar

Maths Homework

Here is the maths homework - due in 1.3.18


Here are this weeks spellings - to be tested Friday 2nd March. Objectives: Spellings 1-6 = words with 'silent letters (i,e. letters whose presence cannot be predicted from the punctuation of the word) Spellings 7-10 are taken from the 5/6 spelling words. 1. Doubt 2. Island  3. Lamb 4. Solemn  5. Thistle  6. Knight  7. Conscious  8. Controversy  9. Convenience 10. Correspond  Thank you! :) 

Launch Day

What an amazing start to the half term - On Wednesday, we had our launch day for our new topic OUT OF THIS WORLD! The children really enjoyed it!  They were able to discover and explore different countries around the world by visiting each KS2 classroom for a different activity! They were truly able to see how wonderful our world is! Here are some pictures of them enjoying the day.... 

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half term break and are nice and relaxed to start our new topic. Already, the children are very excited to begin our topic and have been researching the famous Neil Armstrong this morning. They cannot wait to start our new book - Cosmic - tomorrow! UPDATE: Our PE sessions will now take place on a Wednesday afternoon so don't forget PE kits please! Spellings and Reading are still checked on a daily basis. Children are now aware of the times tables they must practise in order to achieve their awards :) Looking forward to another great half term. Miss Doorbar

Spring 1

What a great half term it has been in 5KD! Well done everyone... you have worked very hard and made super progress. The topic this half term has been amazing and all the children have really enjoyed Winter Wonderland and The Chronicles of Narnia - the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Lucky for them, they have had a sneak peak at the classroom ready for Monday 19th February and it is safe to say, they are very excited for our new topic....... SPACE! The star of the week this week had to be awarded to THE WHOLE CLASS because of their tremendous effort with topic and the fashion show - very proud teacher! UPDATE: It was a very busy Friday today, so we haven't managed to complete the spelling test. Please practise the same spellings from last week (still on the blog). Have a safe half term and a well deserved rest! See you in a week, Miss Doorbar :)

Fashion show

Well done 5KD and the rest of year 5 and 6.... You made us all very proud today by showing off your modelling and textile skills. We really enjoyed this outcome to our "Winter Wonderland" Topic. Here are some pictures of the final piece! Super stars :)

Fashion Show

Don't forget, Year 5 and 6 will be strutting their stuff down the catwalk this morning to show their winter coat designs... Parents can come through the main office entrance at 8:45 for coffee. The Fashion show will begin at around 9:15am! Looking forward to seeing you all! :)


As promised, here is 5KD's jigsaw pieces promoting positive attitudes towards the internet. We have used the theme CREATE, CONNECT and SHARE RESPECT by thinking of ways we can be safer and more positive on the internet.  Here is our CREATE and CONNECT... Now it is your turn to SHARE the respect by leaving a nice, positive comment or sharing on twitter. Please use the hashtag #itstartswithus  Thank you,  5KD!

Safer Internet Day

Today, it is Safer Internet Day. Children throughout the school will be taking part in activities to discuss how the internet can be a place to be positive with other people and not be used to upset people. The theme is CREATE, CONNECT and SHARE RESPECT.  Therefore the children will be  creating  a piece of work which will be photographed and put on the blog. We would then appreciate it if families could make positive comments about the children's work which can then be shared with them to show how the internet can be used to  connect  people and show  respect  to each other.

Monday's Star of the Day

Today's star of the day award goes to Reece for being polite and sensible all day - well done Reece :)

This week...

This week we have been very busy preparing for our fashion show on Thursday 8th February at 8:45. We have been doing a lot of sewing and stitching and have really enjoyed it. We have been finishing our stories this week in writing (still concentrating of The Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, they seem to be coming along nicely. In maths we have been focusing on improper fractions - I am very, very proud of the children this week with improper fractions - we have gone from using concrete materials (multi-link cubes) to using our knowledge of times tables to help us change them in to mixed number fractions. In our homework section of the blog you will see they are able to show off and practise these skills. Our Star of the week goes out to Dominic this week for his great enthusiasm in topic lessons and trying very hard with sewing the coat - who knew he had such a talent? Well done Dominic. Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continuous support!...


Here are spellings this week - they will be tested on Friday 9th February : Objective: Spellings 1-8 = words ending in -ant, -ance/ancy, -ent, -ence/ency                   Spellings 9-12 are taken from the 5/6 spelling words Observant  Tolerant Substance Hesitancy  Innocence Decency  Confidence Independent  Communicate  Community  Competition Conscience  

Homework 2.2.2018

Here is the maths homework for this week - due in 8.2.18.

Attendance Stars

All these children were here every day and on time this week! Well Done :)

Thursday's Star of the Day

Thursday's Star of the Day was Dominic for his fantastic work in topic - brilliant sewing skills and fantastic enthusiasm!

Drama Queen's/Kings

Here are some of 5KD in Guided Reading yesterday performing a role play from the story The Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - great acting skills!! :)

Preparation for next week!

We are getting close to finishing our coats.. we've been working very hard and been very patient with sewing!

Practice Makes Perfect!

Here are some of the children practicing their sewing skills before we begin our coat making! Looking forward to our fashion show Thursday 8th Feb at 8:45am!